Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hearing the heartbeat

I heard the most wonderful sound this morning. The heartbeat of our unborn baby. I never thought that the sound of the little beating heart would bring a tear to my eye, but it did. I couldn't stop smiling for the remainder of the day.

The doctor says everything looks good. I'm just about 11 weeks (10weeks 4 days to be exact) and I feel pretty good. I was a little worried that something might be wrong because I felt so well. Hearing the heartbeat lifted a huge weight from my chest. I won't stop worrying, but now I can probably worry about something else.

For the last couple of days I've been having night sweats. I had these a lot when I was really sick. It typically meant that I had a low grade fever that would break in the middle of night. So I was a little nervous that the same thing might be happening again. I talked to the doctor about it this morning and she believes that it is mostly likely related to the influx of hormones in my system. Since I don't have any other symptoms, she thinks it is unrelated to the Crohn's. (Another worry gone.)

Now I'm going to sit back and enjoy the next couple of weeks or at least try.

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