Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Back from First RE Appointment

We met today with the RE (Reproduction Endocrinologist). I was nervous and it didn't help that Micah and I had a 'discussion' on the way to the appointment. The appointment started with a lengthy conversation with a resident about my cycles and our sex life. At one point I looked over at Micah and he looked down at his pants, wishing he was any where but sitting in the that chair.

As soon as I mentioned that I have Crohn's disease and had a 'messy' surgery in the past, she said that might be our problem. According the my BBT and fertilityfriend, I don't have a problem ovulating. My LP is a little on the short side ( it is about 12-14 days). The RE is slightly concerned about the length, but says there are things that we can do to lengthen the LP.

The bigger concern is the potential pelvic abrasions that may have developed from the surgery. They did an internal ultrasound during the appointment. It showed that my ovaries are good and I could see the little egg follies. They weren't able to see my tubes, but that isn't typically because of where they are located and they can look like the bowel. The ultrasound did find a fibroid about the size of a golf ball. The doctor didn't think that it was something to be worried about at this time and shouldn't get in the way of the baby (when and if I get pregnant.)

Due to the prior surgery and Crohn's disease, the doctor put us on more of an advanced track. She wants us to do a HSG, an x-ray with dye to see if my tubes are blocked. If they are, we will skip right to IVF because doctors won't do a 'clean up' surgery to repair the scar tissue on people with Crohn's.

So we left the appointment with a plan. I will have the HSG at the beginning of the next cycle and will get blood work done next week to test the levels of some of the other hormones.

It feels good to have a plan. It alleviates some of the stress because we are now on the plan for finding out what is wrong and trying to fix it. But on another level, I feel like I failed in some way. That I can't get pregnant the 'normal' way. Micah hasn't but any pressure on me and he hasn't pointed a finger or placed blame. Most of it I'm doing myself. I need to take a deep breath and remember that we have a plan...

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