Sunday, November 23, 2008

36 weeks and 2 days

I've stopped referring to how many days I have left in weeks, but in days. I have 26 days left (if I go on my due date.) Things have been progressing. I think the baby has dropped because I feel all sorts of pressure and I'm peeing about every five minutes. I've also been having a lot of contractions. Nothing really timeable, but they have been getting more intense as the days go on. Even a couple have taken my breath away.

In the past week, I've gotten two comments that women late in pregnancy don't want to hear. "Wow, look how low that baby is!" and "You are still here?". Yup, the I know this kid is low, believe me. I now know what it means when people say it feels like a bowling ball between your legs, because I can' feel her head right there. And yes, I'm still here. Everyday I plead with my little girl to come out, that we can't wait to met her, but in she stays. I'm hoping she is getting the picture. :)

This upcoming Wednesday I have my next doctor's appointment where I hope that they will do my first internal exam and I'll learn how much progress I've made, if any. I'm hoping that I'm at least some what dialated... (Keep your fingers crossed!!) At this point, she could make her appearance at any day and she would not likely spend any extra time in the hospital.

Micah and I are quickly get the last things done on our list. We need to pack our bags and get the car seats installed and then we should be good to go for D-day. My shower is this upcoming Saturday, which I'm very excited about. I think I'm more excited to spend a couple hours hanging out with my friends, chatting and eating some yummy food. I'll make sure to post an update. Jill and mom have been planning this for a while, so I'm sure it will be great!

And now, for some pictures. If you look back through all the 'baby bump' pictures, you can really see the progression.


KT said...

Yay, Gizmo is almost here!

I'm so very sad that I won't be there on Saturday to celebrate with you, but you will be in my thoughts. And there should be another present coming just in time, so you can open it then like I'm there giving it to you in person!

I can't wait for the call that Gizmo has arrived! Have a healthy last 26 (or fewer!) days! I miss you & I love you!

Cyndi said...

I wish I could be at your shower too, but I look forward to seeing pictures. How about some pictures of the nursery too?

Mom/gram said...

Anytime now I guess! I also wish I could be at your shower,but will be thinking of you.You are looking good,just like you should be.

I agree with Cyndi,how about seeing what the nursery looks like!

Love, Gram S.

Anonymous said...

jen i'm so excited for you! hopefully someday soon i'll be able to go through the same experience! heres to hoping you can drop your bowling ball soon!