Sunday, November 16, 2008

35 weeks and counting

Last Friday I completed my 35th week of pregnancy and it also meant I only had 35 more days until Baby Gizmo makes her appearance. We are very excited to meet her.

On Tuesday I had a growth scan, to check on her size and to make sure that the fibroid wasn't growing. The good news is that Gizmo is growing right on track and the fibroid is not (yeah!) Gizmo is still measuring a week ahead and in 77th percentile. On Tuesday was 5lb 10oz and from all the books I've read. She is gaining about a 1/2oz a day. So it looks like I'm on track to have a 7-8 lb baby if I go to term. Also, she is head down. The doctors don't think that at this point she will flip because of her size, but nothing is guarenteed.

This weekend I think the baby dropped. I've been having a lot more pressure and pain (I think that at times she is trying to poke her hand out to wave hi.) I have a little less than two weeks until I'm full term. So anything can happen now!

There are times when I feel like we aren't ready, to which Micah answers, "will we ever be ready?" I guess not. We've taken the classes and tours. (I do have one more class on December 9th - it is a breastfeeding class, but the hospital also has a lactation counselor on staff that will help me as needed.

Oh and just in case everyone was wondering, Baby Gizmo does have a name. We officially decided on it and even picked out her Hebrew name.(I know some of you were worried that we would be calling her Gizmo once she was born.) We will be planning the baby naming as soon as she is born, so we will keep you all up to date.

I don't have any pictures. Purely because I don't like the way that I look... believe me I'm big. And as soon as I get home from work, I change in to comfy clothes. I'll have mom take some pictures during Thanksgiving.


Jillian said...

i want new pics now!!!!

Mom/gram said...

I agree with Jill!All mother's to be get big.I am so forward looking to be told I am a great grandmother.
Take care and love,

Great news that Miles is Home!

KT said...

Only one more month until Gizmo arrives! YAY! I can hardly believe it! And I can't wait to meet her!

Oh, and trust me darling, you really don't look huge like you seem to think. You look fabulous! Love you!!