Friday, April 4, 2008

Hope is a three letter word

IVF... for so many of us that are dealing with infertility, IVF seems like a miracle waiting to happen. Last Friday I went in for my post-coital test. After the test was complete, the RE and I discussed our next options. Since it appears that there are pelvic abrassions on one or both fallobian tubes, IUI will most likely now work for us. The doctor said it was up to Micah and I on what we did next, she would support us either way.

After a lot of discussion, we decided tomove forward with IVF since it has the highest percent of success due to my medical history. I never thought that making the decision to move to IVF would be hard. But it was. I think is some weird way I felt like we were cheating because we are moving straight to IVF. I know that is stupid. I should be excited to finally have the opportunity to finally have my baby.

Once we made the decision, it actually to a while for it all to sink in. For the first time in a long time I'm actually hopefully that in about two months or eight weeks I could be pregnant.

Now it seems like a lot of waiting, but I have a feeling it will go quickly. Next Wednesday I'm signed up to take an IVF class and afterward I'm meeting with the RE to go over my plan. I hope that I'll be able to start birth control some time after during the week of April 14.

Hope really is a three letter word.

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