Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Increasing Betas and first U/S

So after our surprise positive pregnancy test two weeks ago, I've been through some test. I had my first blood test on April 10, the results came back with an hcG level of 80 (the doctor was looking for a number between 50-100 considering it was just before my expected period). After that they look for the numbers to double every 48 hours. On Saturday, my number was 156, pretty close to doubling and again the doctor was pleased. I had my third blood test five days later, and the numbers came back at 1342. It nearly quadrupled in five days!!!

I have my first ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, we will be able to see the heart beat. I still don't really feel pregnant, I'm hoping seeing the little bean will make it more of a reality.

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