Thursday, April 10, 2008

It was positive!!

Yesterday morning I attending the required IVF class at Johns Hopkins. I learned about the entire IVF process and learned how to give myself the injection. I was excited and very overwhelmed by the end of the class. Afterward, I stopped by the office and had a meeting with Dr. Kolp. She went over my specific plan and we set a date. According to my cycle, I was due to get my period on Sunday, April 13, which meant that I could start the suppressant drug for IVF around the 26th of the month. I left the meeting extatic. We finally had a true plan.

So last night, like I've done for the past two months, I took a pregnancy test. (I have to, to see if I'm PG and if I'm not I stop taking the progestrone supplements and will get my period.) I was convinced it was going to be negative. It has been for the past 13 months. I knew that I didn't have any good pregnancy tests at home, so I stopped at Walmart afterwork. I picked up a two-pack of the First Response Early Response tests (only because all of the single packs were sold out). I get home and see that I have a dollar story test under the sink and figure I use that one tonight and one of the good ones in the morning. Well... as I'm taking the cheapie test out of the package, I drop in the toliet. Crap. Since I've already peed in the cup, I figure, why not. And I run down stairs to get on of the good tests. I dip the test strip in the cup, count to 20 and place the strip on the counter. I walk away and get changed. I glance over and see a faint line, but think that I'm just dreaming. I look a little closer and there is definatly an line. I check the clock, it has barely been two minutes. I wait the other minute out. Yup still a line. I run down stairs to grab my cell phone. I take a few pictures and send them to Micah who is in New York for a couple of days. He answers, but hasn't gotten the picture yet. I tell him that I think that I'm pregnant. He screams. We laugh and get a little chocked up. He finally gets the picture and says that he thinks he sees a line. I tell himt hat I'll take another test in the morning. He says that he loves me and try not to freak out to much.

Fast forward to this morning. I remember that I have digital test that I was saving for this exact moment. (who doesn't want to see the word "pregnant"). I once again pee in a cup. This time, I take use the last FRER test and the digital test. With a few minutes, a line appears on the FRER test. Within a few more seconds, the words pregnant appear on the screen. I can't believe it. I'm actually pregnant.

I called the docter this morning and went into the office for a blood test. I'm hoping to get the tests back tomorrow morning. If it is over 50 then I'll go back on Saturday for another test to see if the numbers double.

Dear god, please let this baby stick!!! I want a healthy December baby!!!

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