Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome to the third trimester

I'm very excited that I'm here. December 19th seems so far away, but I know that it will go quickly. I can't believe how quickly the first six months have gone. I'm in the final stretch now. It is funny to me how many people are now noticing my pregnancy. I feel like I've been showing for months, but I guess it is more noticeable in certain outfits.

As for the an update on the pain, it is still here and gets worse with each day. Last night I thought I was going to cry each time I got out of bed to go to the bathroom, which is at least two to three times a night these days. I ended up taking the day off from work today because I woke up in excruciating pain and didn't sleep that much last night. I went to the mall today to see if they sold a pelvic support belt that I've read about on the web, but didn't find much luck. I'm now going to search web to see if I can purchase something online that will keep my pelvic together, even it if is just while I sleep. Although, I've also ready some reviews online that it the belt is pretty much useless in relieving the pain.

So at this point I'm just taking each day at a time. I'm going to bring it up again to the doctor next week since it is now starting to impact my daily life. My worse fear is that the doctor will put me modified bed rest, and I don't want that to eat into my maternity leave. I'm luck that I can do a lot of my job from home, but still, I really wanted to work up until I go into labor. As Micah said tonight, our first priority is the health of the baby and the health of me and we don't want to do anything that will risk that. (Baby Gizmo is flipping all around as I write this, so she must agree.)

As I write this and I'm realizing that this is my third rant in a row. You know how some women say they love being pregnant. I'm going to say that I'm not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that I'm going to have a baby. I can't wait to hold this little girl in my arms and welcome her into our family. I'm just not all that keen on the whole pregnancy thing. And while I've had an easy pregnancy for the most part, no bleeding, no high bp (at the moment) and no gest. diabetes, I think it is the pelvic pain that is keeping this from being a funny pregnancy. And while I might be complaining a lot, this is my blog and I can write what I want to. :)

I promise to take a picture in the next couple of days to post so you can all see how much Baby Gizmo is growing.


Cyndi said...

I had two easy pregnancies and I never loved being pregnant either, especially at the end. I didn't have the pelvic pain like you do either, I had more back pain. Kenzie had a tendency to push against my sciatic nerve, not fun!
You'll just appreciate baby gizmo's arrival that much more!

KT said...

Sorry to hear about the pain (I can only imagine how much I'd be bitchin up a storm if it were me...I hope you are laughing at the thought!), but Micah nailed it on the head -- YOU & Gizmo are #1 priority. She'll be here before you know it and it will have all been worth it:)

See you in a month:):):) Save some energy for some crazy baby shopping! Love & gentle hugs!